It is the mission of Collision Consulting to prepare our appraisals based upon fact, without regard to special circumstances such as “sentimental value” or referral sources or any entity with an interest in the outcome.
It is our duty to determine the facts and render our professional opinion based on those facts. This approach allows us to factually testify under oath should the claim go to litigation.

“Collision Consulting has multiple offices across the country offering diminished value appraisals and post repair inspections.”
What is Diminished Value (DV)?
Diminished value is not the same as depreciation. Depreciation is the result of time and use. The older a car is and the more miles it has determines the amount of depreciation. Diminished value is the sudden unplanned loss of value as the result of an accident. The cost of repair, severity of damage and many other factors determine the amount of diminishment.
Type of Claims
There are two types of automobile insurance claims: First-party and Third-party.
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